Hello Friends! Thank you from dropping by. Last year i took a trip to Houston for Dami and Toyosi’s Engagement Session. We started out at the Crystal Ballroom @ the Historic Rice Hotel then proceeded to the beautiful Water Wall and finally to the Museum of Fine Arts. It ended up being a two day shoot and i enjoyed every moment. Dami and Toyosi kept me entertained throughout the trip and there was not one dull moment. I am already looking forward to their wedding. Congrats on your engagement guys! Check out the proposal story below. I hope you enjoy it as much as i did!
The Proposal (According to the Bride):
Toyosi and I always celebrate the 16th of every month because this is the date that we first began our relationship. He always gave me the impression that he is not romantic, and I will be the one in the relationship to initiate most of the creative, romantic ideas. So I would often plan what event/activity that we would do on the 16th of each month.
Well the month of August 2013 rolled around, and Toyosi told me that he would like to plan our “16th” for this month. I was a bit hesitant and worried, but I agreed. A week to the date, I reminded him that he would be the one to plan for the celebration, and says “oh, I am. I completely forgot.” “Maybe we would just go to Chinese or something.” At this point, I started abusing him, and I refused to go. Little did I know, I was about to miss my blessing. Eventually, I came back to my senses and I agreed to go out with him. He told me to be ready by 7pm that he would come pick me up at my apartment.
He picks me up, and he just starts showering me with words of love. I just thought that this was a normal day. His smile was extra big, and he had this confidence that I haven’t seen before. Toyosi usually doesn’t know how to navigate through downtown Houston, and usually, he would ask me to help me GPS our destination, but he didn’t ask on this day. I just started thinking, “where is he taking me too”. “There is no way that this guy knows more Houston restaurants than me.”
We park and walk into the Hyatt Hotel in downtown Houston, and I was completely taken back. I am still thinking that this guy went all out for our “16th”. We took the elevator to the top level, and at the top was a restaurant called “Spindle Top”. The restaurant spins, and your view are the city lights and downtown area. I was again thinking “Wow, this is nice. He really went all out for our “16th””.
When we entered the restaurant, Toyosi was greeted by the manager, Hector. They talked like they haven’t seen each other in a while. At this point I am thinking, “What other chick did he bring here?” “How does he know the manager?” “When will he have time to come to this restaurant?” The waitress sat us at our table, and Toyosi starts caking in my ear. Im still pretty impressed. I didn’t think a Naija man had it in him. The manager would often walk by our table and say “Oh what a beautiful couple.” The chef came out and said “Is this a special night?” I was still completely clueless. You know they born me in a bush. I thought their mannerisms was customary.
The time comes for dessert, and they bring out his dessert first. I thought that was weird but was having a great time, that I did not care. The next few events were just a blur. The manager walked towards me with a message in a bottle and a box that had a light on a platter. I didn’t realize it was the ring at first. At the same time, the chef placed my dessert in front of me and it wrote “Will you marry me?” on the plate. I was sooooooooooo shocked!!! I was just like “ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!” Thats all I could say. I cried like a baby. Toyosi was on his knees. Dont know if he said anything. Dont care. I said yes, and here we are today.
Good times. Good times.
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